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Author Sushil Bhakta Mathema
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SIU IS. Bank Capital Requirement and Its Impact on Bank Performance in Nepal / Sabita Mehta / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Bank Capital Requirement and Its Impact on Bank Performance in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Sabita Mehta, Author ; Opas Piansoongnern, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: vii, 60 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N55
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Banks and banking -- Nepal Keywords: Capital Adequacy Ratio,
Return on Equity,
Net Interest Margin,
Management EfficiencyAbstract: The study examines the bank capital requirement and its impact on bank performance in context of Nepalese Commercial banks. The return on equity and net interest margin is selected as dependent variables whereas capital adequacy ratio, liquidity, management efficiency, lending and deposit selected as independent variables. The data were collected from the banking and financial statistics and supervision report published by Nepal Rastra Bank and annual report of selected commercial banks. The multiple regression models, correlation, descriptive statistics is used for the analysis purpose of this study. The multiple regression models was estimated to test impact of deposit, lending, CAR, liquidity ratio, efficiency ratio on ROE and NIM of Nepalese commercial banks.
The study consists of joint venture bank, private owned bank and government owned bank with study period from 2006/07 to 2015/16. The result of this study shows that there is significant relationship between CAR and NIM. But the study found that there is no significant relationship between CAR and ROE. Lending and deposit is positively correlated with dependent variables ROE and NIM.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Bank Capital Requirement and Its Impact on Bank Performance in Nepal [printed text] / Sabita Mehta, Author ; Opas Piansoongnern, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - vii, 60 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N55
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Banks and banking -- Nepal Keywords: Capital Adequacy Ratio,
Return on Equity,
Net Interest Margin,
Management EfficiencyAbstract: The study examines the bank capital requirement and its impact on bank performance in context of Nepalese Commercial banks. The return on equity and net interest margin is selected as dependent variables whereas capital adequacy ratio, liquidity, management efficiency, lending and deposit selected as independent variables. The data were collected from the banking and financial statistics and supervision report published by Nepal Rastra Bank and annual report of selected commercial banks. The multiple regression models, correlation, descriptive statistics is used for the analysis purpose of this study. The multiple regression models was estimated to test impact of deposit, lending, CAR, liquidity ratio, efficiency ratio on ROE and NIM of Nepalese commercial banks.
The study consists of joint venture bank, private owned bank and government owned bank with study period from 2006/07 to 2015/16. The result of this study shows that there is significant relationship between CAR and NIM. But the study found that there is no significant relationship between CAR and ROE. Lending and deposit is positively correlated with dependent variables ROE and NIM.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000596328 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N55 c.1 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available 32002000596310 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N55 c.2 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Employee Participation and Job Satisfaction in Commercial Banks of Nepal / Saloni Nakarmi / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Employee Participation and Job Satisfaction in Commercial Banks of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Saloni Nakarmi, Author ; Chanchai Bunchapattanasakda, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: xi, 61 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N07
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Banks and banking -- Nepal
[LCSH]EmployeesAbstract: The present study was conducted to meet the requirement of Master in Business Administration (MBA) program of Shinawatra University. The main purpose of conducting the present research was to determine the overall level of employee job satisfaction and participation in commercial banks of Nepal as an applied research.
The present research was conducted by using quantitative method followed by exploratory, descriptive and causal designs. In order to make the present research more pragmatic and methodological age, gender, as gender, educational level of attainment, length of work, position and department were considered as unit of analyses. Sample size of 77 employees was used to conduct the present research. Samples were selected by using stratified random sampling method. Questionnaire tool was used to conduct the survey whereby the collected data were analyzed, presented and used to produce key findings about perceived level of employee job satisfaction.
After the analysis of the data, the key findings of the present study revealed that employees at commercial banks perceive operational level of job satisfaction. They are satisfied at operational level -- slightly lacking for claiming it at exemplary level so still there is some room for improvement for commercial banks to achieve full satisfaction at an exemplary level.
Among the five factors of employee job satisfaction and participation as dependent variable observed through the present research, the employees were reported to be highly satisfied in respect with conduciveness of the coworkers and supervision, whereas they reported to be the least satisfied with the rewards and benefits provided to them.
Also the five factors work environment, performance appraisal system and advancement, supervisor role, rewards and benefits, and coworkers were found to be highly correlated with the overall level of employee job satisfaction and participation.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Employee Participation and Job Satisfaction in Commercial Banks of Nepal [printed text] / Saloni Nakarmi, Author ; Chanchai Bunchapattanasakda, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - xi, 61 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N07
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Banks and banking -- Nepal
[LCSH]EmployeesAbstract: The present study was conducted to meet the requirement of Master in Business Administration (MBA) program of Shinawatra University. The main purpose of conducting the present research was to determine the overall level of employee job satisfaction and participation in commercial banks of Nepal as an applied research.
The present research was conducted by using quantitative method followed by exploratory, descriptive and causal designs. In order to make the present research more pragmatic and methodological age, gender, as gender, educational level of attainment, length of work, position and department were considered as unit of analyses. Sample size of 77 employees was used to conduct the present research. Samples were selected by using stratified random sampling method. Questionnaire tool was used to conduct the survey whereby the collected data were analyzed, presented and used to produce key findings about perceived level of employee job satisfaction.
After the analysis of the data, the key findings of the present study revealed that employees at commercial banks perceive operational level of job satisfaction. They are satisfied at operational level -- slightly lacking for claiming it at exemplary level so still there is some room for improvement for commercial banks to achieve full satisfaction at an exemplary level.
Among the five factors of employee job satisfaction and participation as dependent variable observed through the present research, the employees were reported to be highly satisfied in respect with conduciveness of the coworkers and supervision, whereas they reported to be the least satisfied with the rewards and benefits provided to them.
Also the five factors work environment, performance appraisal system and advancement, supervisor role, rewards and benefits, and coworkers were found to be highly correlated with the overall level of employee job satisfaction and participation.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000595502 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N07 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Employee Relationship Management in Nepalese Airlines Business / Sudhir Kumar Bogati / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Employee Relationship Management in Nepalese Airlines Business Material Type: printed text Authors: Sudhir Kumar Bogati, Author ; Ousanee Sawagvudcharee, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: vii, 76 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N11
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Employees
[LCSH]Human resource management -- NepalKeywords: Human Resource Management,
Job Satisfaction,
Business Relationship,
Employer-employee Relations,
Employee Performance & RewardsAbstract: This paper aims to outline the importance of employee-relationship and the roles that play for the growth of the airlines business in Nepalese context. It also highlights the functions and implications of job satisfaction towards stimulating good relationship between the internal and external employee of airlines. ERM is an employee-focused business strategy that dynamically integrates Human Resource Management, Human resource development and business success transformation. This research and the article include that employee-management relationship for better performance and emerging opportunities in airlines business. As a research study of some, Failure airlines in Nepal like Cosmic air, Necon air and current success of Buddha air, Simrik Airlines and Himalaya Airlines of Nepal. It describes a formal methodology for directing the process of developing and implementing an ERM that considers resource management, management of change in airlines business and how to build a continuous employee improvement. And respondent’s staffs of Buddha air and Simrik airlines helped a lot for the result.
Thus, results have important implications from the point of view of the airlines business while achieving the aim of airlines services in areas of employee management relationship.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Employee Relationship Management in Nepalese Airlines Business [printed text] / Sudhir Kumar Bogati, Author ; Ousanee Sawagvudcharee, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - vii, 76 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N11
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Employees
[LCSH]Human resource management -- NepalKeywords: Human Resource Management,
Job Satisfaction,
Business Relationship,
Employer-employee Relations,
Employee Performance & RewardsAbstract: This paper aims to outline the importance of employee-relationship and the roles that play for the growth of the airlines business in Nepalese context. It also highlights the functions and implications of job satisfaction towards stimulating good relationship between the internal and external employee of airlines. ERM is an employee-focused business strategy that dynamically integrates Human Resource Management, Human resource development and business success transformation. This research and the article include that employee-management relationship for better performance and emerging opportunities in airlines business. As a research study of some, Failure airlines in Nepal like Cosmic air, Necon air and current success of Buddha air, Simrik Airlines and Himalaya Airlines of Nepal. It describes a formal methodology for directing the process of developing and implementing an ERM that considers resource management, management of change in airlines business and how to build a continuous employee improvement. And respondent’s staffs of Buddha air and Simrik airlines helped a lot for the result.
Thus, results have important implications from the point of view of the airlines business while achieving the aim of airlines services in areas of employee management relationship.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000595494 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N11 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Halo Effect and its Impact on Employee Career in Nepalese Organization / Prekshya Lamsal / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Halo Effect and its Impact on Employee Career in Nepalese Organization Material Type: printed text Authors: Prekshya Lamsal, Author ; Petcharat Lovichakorntikul, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: ix, 94 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N06
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Employees Keywords: Halo Effect,
Employee Career,
Hire AbilityAbstract: The present research examined the influences of the halo effect and the similar-tome effect on physical and sexual attractiveness, personality, favoritism, nepotism and reputation for career development of the employee. It was hypothesized that the halo effect would cause applicants rated highly in physical and sexual attractiveness or they may rate based on their personality, favoritism and also through the belongings to receive better career or also may have effect on hiring and promotional matter than unattractive applicants.. There was a main effect of sexual attractiveness, pleasing personality, favorite of the management and also reference of the applicant for hire ability, showing support for the halo effect. This effect was found in Nepalese business organization.
This research includes 128 respondents where responses were collected from online method. Among the 128 respondents participated in this study, all were those person who were mostly effected by halo effect. The data are analyzed using the statistical tools and various hypotheses are tested in order to determine their significance. The analyses of data are performed with the help of descriptive analysis. The analysis resulted that all the null hypotheses are accepted and accordingly, the significant relationship of independent variables like appearance, personality of the individual, favoritism, nepotism and reputation of the individual which normally effect career of the employee positively or negatively.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Halo Effect and its Impact on Employee Career in Nepalese Organization [printed text] / Prekshya Lamsal, Author ; Petcharat Lovichakorntikul, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - ix, 94 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N06
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Employees Keywords: Halo Effect,
Employee Career,
Hire AbilityAbstract: The present research examined the influences of the halo effect and the similar-tome effect on physical and sexual attractiveness, personality, favoritism, nepotism and reputation for career development of the employee. It was hypothesized that the halo effect would cause applicants rated highly in physical and sexual attractiveness or they may rate based on their personality, favoritism and also through the belongings to receive better career or also may have effect on hiring and promotional matter than unattractive applicants.. There was a main effect of sexual attractiveness, pleasing personality, favorite of the management and also reference of the applicant for hire ability, showing support for the halo effect. This effect was found in Nepalese business organization.
This research includes 128 respondents where responses were collected from online method. Among the 128 respondents participated in this study, all were those person who were mostly effected by halo effect. The data are analyzed using the statistical tools and various hypotheses are tested in order to determine their significance. The analyses of data are performed with the help of descriptive analysis. The analysis resulted that all the null hypotheses are accepted and accordingly, the significant relationship of independent variables like appearance, personality of the individual, favoritism, nepotism and reputation of the individual which normally effect career of the employee positively or negatively.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000595460 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N06 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Investing in Brick Kilns for Economic Development of Nepal / Samyukta Bhandari / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2016
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Investing in Brick Kilns for Economic Development of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Samyukta Bhandari, Author ; Wilaiporn Laohakosol, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2016 Pagination: vii, 81 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2016-N21
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2016Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Economic development -- Nepal
[LCSH]InvestmentKeywords: Investment,
Tax generation,
Social ImpactCurricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Investing in Brick Kilns for Economic Development of Nepal [printed text] / Samyukta Bhandari, Author ; Wilaiporn Laohakosol, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2016 . - vii, 81 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2016-N21
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2016
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Economic development -- Nepal
[LCSH]InvestmentKeywords: Investment,
Tax generation,
Social ImpactCurricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000594208 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2016-N21 c.1 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Online Shopping Behavior of Youths in Kathmandu Valley / Rajani Ranjan / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Online Shopping Behavior of Youths in Kathmandu Valley Material Type: printed text Authors: Rajani Ranjan, Author ; Hatairat Lertjanyakit, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: vii, 74 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N52
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Consumer behavior
[LCSH]YouthsAbstract: The study examines the online shopping behavior of youths in Kathmandu valley. Where online shopping behavior is selected as dependent variable whereas demographics which include age and gender, income level includes monthly income and self-supported, return policy means policy where online store returns the money and take back the product if buyer is not satisfied, discounts include offer provided to consumer to attract them, information provided defines if detail information of the product is provided in the internet or not, frequency of purchase includes consumer frequency of buying products from online to, delivery time explains time spent by the online store to provide the product to the consumer and level of satisfaction of consumer defines how much people using the service are satisfied by the service provided.
The study consists of 27 years data with study period from 1990 to 2016/17. The result of this study shows that positive correlation between easiness, convenience and effectiveness of online shopping and sufficiency of information given in online shopping sites to make purchase decision, better quality products from online shopping, security of online payment method, return policy and discount provided and Delivery time i.e. all online shopping behavior. The research shows that information provided in online shopping sites that helps user to make purchase decision is not dependent upon discount and return policy offered on those products betweenCurricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Online Shopping Behavior of Youths in Kathmandu Valley [printed text] / Rajani Ranjan, Author ; Hatairat Lertjanyakit, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - vii, 74 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N52
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Consumer behavior
[LCSH]YouthsAbstract: The study examines the online shopping behavior of youths in Kathmandu valley. Where online shopping behavior is selected as dependent variable whereas demographics which include age and gender, income level includes monthly income and self-supported, return policy means policy where online store returns the money and take back the product if buyer is not satisfied, discounts include offer provided to consumer to attract them, information provided defines if detail information of the product is provided in the internet or not, frequency of purchase includes consumer frequency of buying products from online to, delivery time explains time spent by the online store to provide the product to the consumer and level of satisfaction of consumer defines how much people using the service are satisfied by the service provided.
The study consists of 27 years data with study period from 1990 to 2016/17. The result of this study shows that positive correlation between easiness, convenience and effectiveness of online shopping and sufficiency of information given in online shopping sites to make purchase decision, better quality products from online shopping, security of online payment method, return policy and discount provided and Delivery time i.e. all online shopping behavior. The research shows that information provided in online shopping sites that helps user to make purchase decision is not dependent upon discount and return policy offered on those products betweenCurricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000596260 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N52 c.2 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available 32002000596252 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N52 c.1 SIU Independent Study Main Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Remittance Income and Economic Growth of Nepal / Manoj Regmi / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2016
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Remittance Income and Economic Growth of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Manoj Regmi, Author ; Fuangfa Amponstira, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2016 Pagination: vii, 81 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2016-N10
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2016Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Economic growth
[LCSH]IncomeKeywords: Remittance,
Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI),
Official Development Grant (ODC),
skilled labor participation,
Economy and PovertyAbstract: The contention of remittance has emerged since 2000 because of its dubious contribution. On the one hand, it is reducing poverty and maintaining balance of payment without much domestic efforts in Nepal; on the other hand, it is pushing up inequality and informal economy as well as increasing the threat of Dutch-disease effects. Theoretically, remittance impact to the national economy is still immature to ensure because of its dynamic nature and data collection problem. The arguing point has developed from the research questions whether remittance-policy of productive use as well as quality migrant labor is influential to economic growth of Nepal. Workers’ remittance inflow has a positive impact to increase in GDP even though there is a comparatively weak effect seen in economic growth of Nepal, econometrics analysis point out to some extent. Moreover, this study also finds that using remittance fund for the productive sector and managing quality emigrant’s participation which has indeed influential causal relations putting positive impacts in increasing economic growth through quality remittances income. However, domestic environment like insecurity and land-locked geopolitics and policy factors are crucial to using remittance fund for long term economic growth. The bright side of remittances depends on revival of economy by using physical, human and social capital to mitigate its negative impact on the economy. Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Remittance Income and Economic Growth of Nepal [printed text] / Manoj Regmi, Author ; Fuangfa Amponstira, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2016 . - vii, 81 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2016-N10
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2016
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Economic growth
[LCSH]IncomeKeywords: Remittance,
Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI),
Official Development Grant (ODC),
skilled labor participation,
Economy and PovertyAbstract: The contention of remittance has emerged since 2000 because of its dubious contribution. On the one hand, it is reducing poverty and maintaining balance of payment without much domestic efforts in Nepal; on the other hand, it is pushing up inequality and informal economy as well as increasing the threat of Dutch-disease effects. Theoretically, remittance impact to the national economy is still immature to ensure because of its dynamic nature and data collection problem. The arguing point has developed from the research questions whether remittance-policy of productive use as well as quality migrant labor is influential to economic growth of Nepal. Workers’ remittance inflow has a positive impact to increase in GDP even though there is a comparatively weak effect seen in economic growth of Nepal, econometrics analysis point out to some extent. Moreover, this study also finds that using remittance fund for the productive sector and managing quality emigrant’s participation which has indeed influential causal relations putting positive impacts in increasing economic growth through quality remittances income. However, domestic environment like insecurity and land-locked geopolitics and policy factors are crucial to using remittance fund for long term economic growth. The bright side of remittances depends on revival of economy by using physical, human and social capital to mitigate its negative impact on the economy. Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000594174 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2016-N10 c.1 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. A Study of Brand Impact on Buying Behaviour of Smart Phone in Kathmandu Valley / Babita Mehta / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : A Study of Brand Impact on Buying Behaviour of Smart Phone in Kathmandu Valley Material Type: printed text Authors: Babita Mehta, Author ; Fuangfa Amponstira, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: vii, 64 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N33
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Consumer behavior -- Nepal
[LCSH]SmartphonesKeywords: Brand, Branding, consumer buying behavior, Price, features, Design, Advertisement, Resale value, Smart Phone Abstract: The study examines the brand impact on consumer buying behavior of Smart Phone. Kathmandu Valley was chosen for the analysis. Branding and brand management has become major challenge and this has increasingly become a key interest to consumer. This study thus has conducted to evaluate the consumer perception of brand and its impact on buying behavior in Nepalese context.
This study has considered some factors such as brand, price, feature, design, advertisement, resale value. In terms of objectives, the present study is applied research and based on its data analysis method, it is descriptive survey study. In terms of data analysis method, applied method in this study would be in kind of correlation method. In order to collect required data for the study, questionnaire would be applied as data collection instrument. Obtained data from the questionnaire would be analyzed using inferential statistical methods and using SPSS software. Presented hypothesis in this study have been examined using Pearson Coefficient of correlation and multiple regression method. Obtained results from the study indicate that all the dimensions of brand have significantly positive relationship with brand.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. A Study of Brand Impact on Buying Behaviour of Smart Phone in Kathmandu Valley [printed text] / Babita Mehta, Author ; Fuangfa Amponstira, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - vii, 64 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N33
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Consumer behavior -- Nepal
[LCSH]SmartphonesKeywords: Brand, Branding, consumer buying behavior, Price, features, Design, Advertisement, Resale value, Smart Phone Abstract: The study examines the brand impact on consumer buying behavior of Smart Phone. Kathmandu Valley was chosen for the analysis. Branding and brand management has become major challenge and this has increasingly become a key interest to consumer. This study thus has conducted to evaluate the consumer perception of brand and its impact on buying behavior in Nepalese context.
This study has considered some factors such as brand, price, feature, design, advertisement, resale value. In terms of objectives, the present study is applied research and based on its data analysis method, it is descriptive survey study. In terms of data analysis method, applied method in this study would be in kind of correlation method. In order to collect required data for the study, questionnaire would be applied as data collection instrument. Obtained data from the questionnaire would be analyzed using inferential statistical methods and using SPSS software. Presented hypothesis in this study have been examined using Pearson Coefficient of correlation and multiple regression method. Obtained results from the study indicate that all the dimensions of brand have significantly positive relationship with brand.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000595742 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N33 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Work Life Balance and Employee Satisfaction among Working Women in Banking Sector in Nepal / Divya Hakuduwal / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Work Life Balance and Employee Satisfaction among Working Women in Banking Sector in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Divya Hakuduwal, Author ; Petcharat Lovichakorntikul, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: ix, 98 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N04
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Banking
[LCSH]Women employeesKeywords: Work Life Balance,
Employee Satisfaction,
Working WomenAbstract: This thesis is entitled “Work life balance and employee satisfaction among working women in Banking Sector”. The research is purposed to evaluate the effect of work life balance in satisfaction level of working women in Banks. This is an attempt to identify various factors affecting personal life of working women thorough their professional life. The study is influenced by number of external and internal factors and endeavors to know about the work life balance and at the same time what factors do the working women have in their mind before they join their professional life.
The satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the workers affects the performance of the organization. There is growing evidence that current trends in employment conditions may be eroding levels of job satisfaction and directly damaging the physical and mental health of employees. The radical changes in the world of business, for example, globalization, information technology, world business competition, and shortage of natural resources have changed employee’s outlook of how a decent organization is characterized. The research problem for this project is to study various factors affecting the work life balance and satisfaction among the working women in banking sector. Today the engagement of women in service sector like banks has been getting higher to know the satisfaction level provided by Banking Sector. It will help to gauze the working women mind and understand their professional as well as personal life schedule and other related aspects. The work life balances of women are influenced by various factors.
This research includes 116 respondents where responses were collected from online method. Among the 116 respondents participated in this study, all were female. The data are analyzed using the statistical tools and various hypotheses are tested in order to determine their significance. The analyses of data are performed with the help of descriptive analysis. The analysis resulted that all the null hypotheses are accepted and accordingly, the significant relationship of independent variables like organizational context, life preference, work stress, family and work interference and personal responsibilities affect work life balance and employee satisfaction among working women in bank.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Work Life Balance and Employee Satisfaction among Working Women in Banking Sector in Nepal [printed text] / Divya Hakuduwal, Author ; Petcharat Lovichakorntikul, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - ix, 98 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N04
IS [MS. [MBA]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Banking
[LCSH]Women employeesKeywords: Work Life Balance,
Employee Satisfaction,
Working WomenAbstract: This thesis is entitled “Work life balance and employee satisfaction among working women in Banking Sector”. The research is purposed to evaluate the effect of work life balance in satisfaction level of working women in Banks. This is an attempt to identify various factors affecting personal life of working women thorough their professional life. The study is influenced by number of external and internal factors and endeavors to know about the work life balance and at the same time what factors do the working women have in their mind before they join their professional life.
The satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the workers affects the performance of the organization. There is growing evidence that current trends in employment conditions may be eroding levels of job satisfaction and directly damaging the physical and mental health of employees. The radical changes in the world of business, for example, globalization, information technology, world business competition, and shortage of natural resources have changed employee’s outlook of how a decent organization is characterized. The research problem for this project is to study various factors affecting the work life balance and satisfaction among the working women in banking sector. Today the engagement of women in service sector like banks has been getting higher to know the satisfaction level provided by Banking Sector. It will help to gauze the working women mind and understand their professional as well as personal life schedule and other related aspects. The work life balances of women are influenced by various factors.
This research includes 116 respondents where responses were collected from online method. Among the 116 respondents participated in this study, all were female. The data are analyzed using the statistical tools and various hypotheses are tested in order to determine their significance. The analyses of data are performed with the help of descriptive analysis. The analysis resulted that all the null hypotheses are accepted and accordingly, the significant relationship of independent variables like organizational context, life preference, work stress, family and work interference and personal responsibilities affect work life balance and employee satisfaction among working women in bank.Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000595445 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N04 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available SIU IS. Work-Life Balance: A Study of Dual Earner Couples in Commercial Banks of Kathmandu / Ujwal Kumar Bhattarai / Bangkok: Shinawatra University - 2017
Collection Title: SIU IS Title : Work-Life Balance: A Study of Dual Earner Couples in Commercial Banks of Kathmandu Material Type: printed text Authors: Ujwal Kumar Bhattarai, Author ; Fuangfa Amponstira, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name Publisher: Bangkok: Shinawatra University Publication Date: 2017 Pagination: viii, 93 p. Layout: ill, Tables Size: 30 cm. Price: 500.00 General note: SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N60
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Work Keywords: Work Life Balance,
Dual Earner Couples,
Banking SectorAbstract: This paper presents the current scenario of work-life balance among dual earner couples in commercial banks of Nepal. The study examines the relationship between the independent variables: family size, working hour, age of children, income level and stress level, and the dependent variable: work life balance. The study was conducted among 62 dual earner couples working at various commercial banks in Kathmandu, Nepal. Thus, there were 124 responses in total used for analysis. The study shows that stress has a negative and significant relationship with work life balance. While, working hour is positively and significantly related to work life balance. The other variables family size, income level and age of children all have negative and insignificant relationship with the dependent variable. The paper used the statistical analysis tools Pearson correlation coefficient and descriptive analysis for analyzing the data collected through the distribution of survey questionnaire. The study finds that commercial banks in Nepal need to pay special attention to the aspects of working hours and stress level of their employees in order to help them balance their work life. Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: SIU IS. Work-Life Balance: A Study of Dual Earner Couples in Commercial Banks of Kathmandu [printed text] / Ujwal Kumar Bhattarai, Author ; Fuangfa Amponstira, Associated Name ; Sushil Bhakta Mathema, Associated Name . - [S.l.] : Bangkok: Shinawatra University, 2017 . - viii, 93 p. : ill, Tables ; 30 cm.
SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N60
Independent Study [SO [Management]] -- Shinawatra University, 2017
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Work Keywords: Work Life Balance,
Dual Earner Couples,
Banking SectorAbstract: This paper presents the current scenario of work-life balance among dual earner couples in commercial banks of Nepal. The study examines the relationship between the independent variables: family size, working hour, age of children, income level and stress level, and the dependent variable: work life balance. The study was conducted among 62 dual earner couples working at various commercial banks in Kathmandu, Nepal. Thus, there were 124 responses in total used for analysis. The study shows that stress has a negative and significant relationship with work life balance. While, working hour is positively and significantly related to work life balance. The other variables family size, income level and age of children all have negative and insignificant relationship with the dependent variable. The paper used the statistical analysis tools Pearson correlation coefficient and descriptive analysis for analyzing the data collected through the distribution of survey questionnaire. The study finds that commercial banks in Nepal need to pay special attention to the aspects of working hours and stress level of their employees in order to help them balance their work life. Curricular : BBA/MBA Record link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000596443 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N60 c.2 SIU Independent Study Graduate Library Thesis Corner Available 32002000596419 SIU IS: SOM-MBA-2017-N60 c.1 SIU Independent Study Main Library Thesis Corner Available