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Add the result to your basket Make a suggestion Refine your search Apply to external sourcesTest- und Ubungsbuch zur deutschen Grammatik / Griesbach, Heinz / Verlag fur Deutsch - 1983
Title : Test- und Ubungsbuch zur deutschen Grammatik Material Type: printed text Authors: Griesbach, Heinz, Author Publisher: Verlag fur Deutsch Publication Date: 1983 Pagination: 128 p. Layout: ill., pbk. Size: 21 cm. ISBN (or other code): 3885326019 Price: 500 Baht General note: With compliments of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kanittha Navarat Languages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]German language -- Grammar Curricular : BALA/GE/MTEIL Record link: Test- und Ubungsbuch zur deutschen Grammatik [printed text] / Griesbach, Heinz, Author . - Munchen : Verlag fur Deutsch, 1983 . - 128 p. : ill., pbk. ; 21 cm.
ISBN : 3885326019 : 500 Baht
With compliments of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kanittha Navarat
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]German language -- Grammar Curricular : BALA/GE/MTEIL Record link: Hold
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