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Reprinted Collection. The changing business environment of Taiwan / Walsh, John Christopher
Collection Title: Reprinted Collection Title : The changing business environment of Taiwan Material Type: electronic document Authors: Walsh, John Christopher, Author Pagination: 14 p. Size: 30 cm. Price: 50 Baht General note: The research reported on in this paper was made possible by the receipt of a Taiwan research fellowship, generously awarded by the Taipei Cultural Office in London.
With compliments of Dr. John Christopher WalshLanguages : English (eng) Descriptors: [LCSH]Business enterprises -- Taiwan
[LCSH]Business enterprises, Foreign -- TaiwanRecord link: Reprinted Collection. The changing business environment of Taiwan [electronic document] / Walsh, John Christopher, Author . - [s.d.] . - 14 p. ; 30 cm.
50 Baht
The research reported on in this paper was made possible by the receipt of a Taiwan research fellowship, generously awarded by the Taipei Cultural Office in London.
With compliments of Dr. John Christopher Walsh
Languages : English (eng)
Descriptors: [LCSH]Business enterprises -- Taiwan
[LCSH]Business enterprises, Foreign -- TaiwanRecord link: Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 32002000203917 REP272 2006 c.1 Reprinted Graduate Library Reprint Shelf Available 32002000203925 REP272 2006 c.2 Reprinted Main Library Reprint Shelf Available